Welcome to My Rupert Grint Homepage!

Rupert Grint

This site is all about Rupert Grint. (He plays Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter movies)I will put all my updates here, so check back as soon as possible!

May, 12, 2009:
Everyday Purchases made at drugstores, gas stations, and supermarkets earn up to a 5% rebate. Blue Cash from American Express both men and women, and that he protects.

September, 20, 2003:
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile but I finally did! I made two new pages that has some Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban pictures. The movie is coming out June, 4, 2004 so go see it!

May, 4, 2003:
The real Rupert Grint is coming on this site on May 5! he will be here at 8:30 pm which is 3:30 in Canada in America. So if you want to talk to him come on!

April, 20, 2003:
I added a chat thingy on the cumstom 2 page. Go say something people like no one has said anything yet.

April, 12, 2003:
I deleted the About page because it wasen't displaying my info. I added another Custom Page in its place.

April, 2, 2003:
I added alot more pictures and more quotes.

April, 1, 2003:
I just added A LOT of pictures to the picture page. I also added info to the Rupert info page and quotes to the Quote page.

March, 11, 2003:
I just started the site so i don't have a lot but I will soon!

E-mail me if you have any information on Rupert that i don't and it would also be great if you could send me pictures of him that I don't have.

Rupert's e-mail address!
If you want to write a letter to him his address is:

Rupert Grint
Peter Fraser & Dunlop
Drury House
34-43 Russell St.
London WC2B 5HA , UK